Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Common Complaint About Hair

Since I am growing out my hair again, I wanted to address a very common complaint about long hair that can easily be managed.


When your hair length is beyond your shoulders, it is a serious chore to brush everyday. Now take a shower and add in two other terrible factors: wet and heavy. And, let's not forget that you lathered well, as the bottle says. I've heard time and time again from friends, "I would love to have long hair like yours, but I don't think I'd want to deal with brushing it all the time."


Brush your hair before bed. Then braid it and lightly secure with a hair binder. In the morning, remove the braid and run your fingers through it lightly. You may spritz it gently with leave-in-conditioner and brush minimally to remove any waves that you don't want. When you shower, brush your hair before you get wet. This way you are able to remove any drain-clogging stragglers first and brushing when you are done is a million times easier because all the snarls were fought out prior to getting wet. Easy on the lathering too. Unless someone dumped a bucket of sand on your head, you shouldn't need to tangle up your hair that much.

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