Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rainy Day Solutions for Kids

It's another rainy day. What can you do to keep your kids occupied indoors?

1. Bake
Use this opportunity to teach your kids the essentials of cooking. Let them help you measure and pour, stir and set the timer.

2. Create

Why spend money on non-personal, commercial greeting cards when you have capable artists at home? Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays or just because—this is sure to keep them busy for at least an hour or two. And, you'll have your cards ready for the next few months.

3. Sort
Go through old toys and clothes that they don't use anymore and prepare them for a garage sale or Good Will.

4. Visit

Call a nearby friend and see if their kids are in need of some visitors. Offer to bring something to share for lunch or a board game that everyone can play.

5. Crafts

Teach your kids how to sew, knit, crochet or cross stitch.

6. Relax

Use this time to make a bowl of popcorn, put in a movie and snuggle under a blanket on the couch.

7. Plan

Plan an upcoming birthday party or weekend plans. Allow the kids to help you prepare lists of things to do. Keep them involved with all the decision making.

If you have any rainy day tips, send them over.

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