Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Shannon is back for Tummy Tuesday. Let's see how she's been doing.

Shannon: Ok so I started this week off really well, but then I fell back into the same habits. "Oh, there's just a little left. I don't want to dirty anymore tupperware, and I don't want to throw it away...I'll just eat it." Actually, I did do a lot better with portion sizes. And, one of the best bits of advice was before you take a bite of whatever it is, ask yourself, "Do I really NEED it, or do I just want it?" I was able to resist my normal ice cream urges when everyone else was enjoying some. Yay me!

I am disappointed that the photos look like there's been no change, but I really didn't do much for my first week.

We did do a family bike trip after supper one night. We said we should try to do this every night, but of course that didn't happen. I am in need of a serious routine—some kind of exercise that it easy to follow and incorporate into my everyday hectic life, which has no routine.

Around belly button: 31.5"
Around bulge: 36" (-1")
Weight: 150 lbs (-0)

On a side note: I did just get my period, so I am thinking that my inch loss was due to premenstrual bloating. :-(

This week's plan: Start an exercise routine and continue the struggle with food.

Until next week...



Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

Great Job!!!!! Baby steps - at least you got one bike ride in, that's better than NOTHING, right? =)

Oh yes... menstrual bloating will always throw you off - just wait for next week and if you still don't see a result, it will come!!!

Anonymous said...

You're doing very well. And it looks like you used a little self tanner. That always makes me feel more confident.